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发布时间:2018-05-02    点击量:


Plant-Microbe Interaction  Symposium

时间:2018-05-05 (周六) 8:30-18:00



报告题目:Microbial NLP cytolysins-herbicidal and plant immunogenic activities

报告人:Thorsten Nürnberger (Tübingen University, Germany)

报告题目:Toward understanding “Disease-Climate-Microbiome” interactions in plants

报告人:Sheng-Yang He (Michigan State University, USA)

报告题目:Molecular dissection of rice immunity pathways for developing durable resistance

报告人:Guo-Liang Wang (Ohio State University and Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS)

报告题目:Current understanding of BIK1 in immune signaling

报告人:Jian-Min Zhou (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)

报告题目:Molecular Interactions between Fusarium graminearum and Host Plants

报告人:Weihua Tang (Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, SIBS, CAS)

报告题目:How a bacterium recognizes its vegetable by receptors?

报告人:Wei Qian (Institute of Microbiology, CAS)

报告题目:The parasitic plant dodder (Cuscuta australis) transfers systemic signals among host plants

报告人:Jianqiang Wu (Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS)

报告题目:Nutrient, signaling and regulation in mycorrhizal symbiosis

报告人:Ertao Wang (Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, SIBS, CAS)

报告题目:Accommodating intracellular bacteria in the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis

报告人:Dong Wang (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)

报告题目:Tomato NLR immune receptor Sw-5b uses an "integrated sensor and switch activation" mechanism to defend against to spovirus invasion

报告人:Xiaorong Tao (Nanjing Agricultural University)

报告题目:A case study of AVR/R mediated plant resistance

报告人:Suomeng Dong (Nanjing Agricultural University)

报告题目:Plant recognition of a novel Phytophthora PAMP XEG1

报告人:Yan Wang (Nanjing Agricultural University)

